Cultural Preferences: USA vs China

Data Analysis


The variables were divided into three categories, demographic indicators, viewing behaviors, and cultural perceptions. The below three tables serve to provide a legend for the abbreviations that are used throughout the remainder of the data presented:

Demographic indicators Viewing behaviors Cultural perceptions
AGE Age HSC preference for school-themed media PRT respondent’s belief that US movies/ television portray the life of Americans accurately
SX Sex SPN monthly spending on American movies/ television IMG the ability of respondents to imagine living the life of an American character
YR year of study USD frequency of downloading activity for US movies/television CHI preference for maintaining Chinese culture and eschewing American culture
MAJ major CHD frequency of downloading activity for Chinese movies/ television AMR preference for adapting to American culture
GPA grade point average USW viewing frequency of US movies/ television BTH preference for maintaining Chinese culture and adapting to American culture
MED mother’s highest level of education CHW viewing frequency of Chinese movies/ television NON belief that neither culture is important enough to maintain or adapt
FED father’s highest level of education,     DIF respondents perceptions that there is a difference in the portrayal of each culture in the movies and television programs that they consume
INC monthly income of family        
HME location of hometown        


The pivot table function in MS Excel was used to build frequency tables for many of the variables. Appropriate frequencies are reported as percentages.


Using the MS Excel’s Analysis Toolpak add-in descriptive tables showing the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, kurtosis, skewness, and range were generated.

Inferential Statistics

In order to determine the magnitude of the relationship between specific variables, a correlation matrix was generated with Microsoft Excel’s (2007) Analysis Toolpak add-in. A matrix showing the direction between the variances of each measure and a Pearson’s r coefficient was calculated for each pair of variables. Using this matrix the relationships between three variable types will be evaluated:

  • Demographic indicators and viewing behavior
  • Demographic indicators and perceptions
  • Viewing behavior and perceptions
  • Analysis of Variance

The dependent variables under examination are Chinese student:

  • Understanding of American culture based on respondents’ belief that American culture is accurately represented in American film and television.
  • Preferences for their own culture based on one question (4 point scale-Agree to Disagree) asking the about the respondents’ preference for Chinese culture and eschewing American culture
  • Preferences for the culture of the Americans based on one question (4 point scale-Agree to Disagree) asking the about the respondents’ preference for American culture

The primary independent variables are behaviors associated with downloading and viewing movies and television, both American and Chinese as well as genre preferences of American media.

To ascertain the affect of the independent variables on the dependent variables a one-way independent analysis of variance (ANOVA) was run for each of the four selected viewing/downloading behaviors— downloading of American and Chinese media, watching of American and Chinese media—paired with each of the selected dependent variables on cultural preferences— Chinese culture, American culture, both cultures, neither culture.
