Mechanical Engineering Lab Report

Experiment 1: Inertia of a Compound Gear Train


Usually, there is a change in total system inertia when a geared system accelerates or decelerates. This increase or decrease is dependent on the ratio of the speed from various system parts.


To demonstrate the theory of the prediction of the motion of rotors connected by gears. The gear system is in the form of a compound train with four gears.

Using the equation P x R = I x a + Tf

But P = m (g-a)


Gear 3cc
P 1m
R 6cm
Nd 90 teeth
Time (s) Mass (N) Length (m) radius (mm)
0.47 10 1 61.83
0.45 15 1 61.83
0.23 20 1 61.83
0.2 25 1 61.83
Gear Total
P 1m
R 6cm
Nd 45 teeth
Time (s) Mass (N) Length (m) radius (mm)
15.01 10 1 61.83
12.12 15 1 61.83
8.3 20 1 61.83
7.12 25 1 61.83

Experiment 2- Deflection of beams


To determine the laws relating to the deflection of a simply supported beam when carrying a central load.


  • Cast iron bed
  • Adjustable simple supports
  • Mild steel beam (with 4 differing cross section measurements.)
  • Stirrup
  • Mass hanger
  • Individual mass items
  • Dial gauge indicator


The deflection of a simply supported beam carrying a central concentrated load, varies if the following change:

  • Load
  • Span
  • Breadth of cross section
  • Depth of cross section


The appropriate material was selected and the apparatus was arranged to satisfy the following conditions;

  1. L=1m, b=20 mm and d=14mm. Load was then applied in increments of 25N, from 0N to 150N and the deflection was measured at each stage.
  2. W=150N, b=20mm and d=14mm. L was adjusted in increments of 0.1m, from 0.6m to 1.2m and the deflection was measured at each stage.
  3. W=150 N, L=1 m and d=20 mm. The material was altered under test so in each instance it is only the breadth of cross section that changes, and the deflection at each change was measured under these conditions. This was completed with each different beam provided.
  4. W=150 N, L=1 m and b=20 mm. The material was altered under test so in each instance it is only the breadth of cross section that changes, and the deflection at each change was measured under these conditions. This was completed with each different beam provided.
  5. Following this activity, the experimental values of a were determined.
  6. The values obtained in the experiment were compared with theoretical values expected under similar conditions. Additionally, the role of K within this relationship was speculated.


Beam 1
width 19.66mm
thickness 13.87mm
length 1m
Mass (N) Deflection (mm) log (mass) Log (deflection) a
25 0.53 1.40 (0.28)
50 1.08 1.70 0.03
75 1.63 1.88 0.21 1.01
100 2.18 2.00 0.34
125 2.73 2.10 0.44
150 3.28 2.18 0.52
Beam 3
width 19.89mm
thickness 11.8mm
length 1m
Mass (N) Deflection (mm) log (mass) Log (deflection) a
25 0.29 1.40 (0.54)
50 1.14 1.70 0.06
75 2.02 1.88 0.31 1.32
100 2.42 2.00 0.38
125 3.81 2.10 0.58
150 4.7 2.18 0.67


Beam 2
width 40mm
thickness 9.75mm
length 1m
Mass (N) Deflection (mm) log (mass) Log (deflection) a
25 0.71 1.40 (0.15)
50 1.44 1.70 0.16
75 2.06 1.88 0.31 0.99
100 2.8 2.00 0.45
125 3.56 2.10 0.55
150 4.34 2.18 0.64
Beam 4
width 14.81mm
thickness 15.87mm
length 1m
Mass (N) Deflection (mm) log (mass) Log (deflection) a
25 0.07 1.40 (1.15)
50 0.44 1.70 (0.36)
75 0.76 1.88 (0.12) 1.32
100 1.12 2.00 0.05
125 1.48 2.10 0.17
150 1.86 2.18 0.27
  • (2018). Dynamics of Geared Systems – Theory Of Machines – Engineering Reference with Worked Examples. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Mar. 2018].
  • Selfridge, R. (1980). Compound gear trains of minimum equivalent inertia. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 15(4), pp.287-294.
